Healthcare is growing in complexity as mergers and organic growth are pursued to better serve patients. MedSpeed designs and manages optimized logistics networks so our customers can capture the benefits of scale and integration. Connecting the physical points of care enables MedSpeed customers to uncover additional savings opportunities and scale with agility.

Case Study: Health System Saves by Reducing On-Demand Delivery

A large northeastern health system partnered with MedSpeed in 2007. Since going live, the system has realized multi-million-dollar savings by decreasing its on-demand utilization from 60 percent to less than 20 percent of overall activity.

Their executive team recently sought to further streamline their on-demand service to achieve additional savings.

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A health system was interested in finding additional incremental savings opportunities within their current logistics network.
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Working together, we performed an in-depth analysis and identified areas to convert on-demand activity to a scheduled service. We then partnered to educate their teams about best practices.
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The customer further reduced their on-demand orders, leading to savings of $120,000 in one year.

Working Together to Achieve Results


We started by using our proprietary technology to analyze the customer’s delivery movements. With this unique view, we identified areas where on-demand activity could be transitioned to a scheduled service.

We then worked together to educate each of their sites on the less expensive service options and how to reduce unnecessary orders.

With the additional reduction in on-demand delivery, the health system achieved $120,000 in annual spend reduction without impacting care quality.


Savings Hidden in Plain Sight

Logistics costs are often embedded in many costs centers. Now is the time to transform logistics in to a unified, cost efficient network.
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