MedSpeed LSR assists in rescue
One day earlier this spring, MedSpeed LSR and retired Army veteran, Mike Champion, began his shift expecting it to be like any other day. But Mike encountered a situation that caused him to assist with an urgent rescue.
Mike had just left one of his stops when he noticed a burning vehicle on the side of the road with flames coming from the hood of the car. Normally, he’d proceed with caution, but he saw that a woman was trying to get into the vehicle. It was safe to assume that there was something important inside or worse, someone trapped in the vehicle as not many are looking to put themselves in harm’s way. As it turns, it was the latter, a young girl was trapped in the backseat.
Mike pulled over at a safe distance from the burning car and approached on foot. He found that another bystander stopped to assist as well. The fellow bystander dialed 911, as Mike approached the woman. She frantically exclaimed that her daughter was trapped in the backseat of the car. Mike then entered the vehicle from the front passenger side, reached into the backseat, and helped the woman’s daughter unfasten the seatbelt and exit the vehicle. Once all four were at a safe distance, they waited for fire and rescue to arrive.
It didn’t take long before authorities arrived on the scene, but Mike used this time to call the MedSpeed hub to inform his supervisor of the incident. The flames were significantly bigger by the time fire and rescue arrived, so the bystander and Mike’s swift action prevented the rescue from becoming much more complicated.
MedSpeeders across the country help our communities with our service we provide each day. But it isn’t very often that we get to recognize someone for directly helping to save a life. Thank you to Mike for springing into action to assist in this rescue.