I’ve written before about Big Data, and the need to ensure that we use it, not drown in it. Mike Alkire, COO of Premier, says healthcare leaders are “clearly working hard to make sense of all the data they have, most of which remains in silos. Making sense of that data has clearly become a priority for leaders as has the movement toward a more consumer-centric and accountable care delivery system.” In our universe of intra-company logistics, we see this challenge and the need for solutions as well.All too often when we first start working with our clients, we find that it’s not only data that is siloed, but even understanding or knowledge of what other departments are doing. Our clients achieve systemness by leveraging their intra-company logistics networks.
The key: The removal of variability—exactly what these health care leaders prioritized in the survey. Done right, systemness integrates all aspects of a health system’s governance, operations, and workflows—across all technologies, clinicians and locations—to deliver seamless, cost-effective, high-quality care.