Driving Results Blog
Sustainability for Successful Healthcare Management
MedSpeed is a member of Practice Greenhealth, a not-for profit organization whose mission is to…
Stretching Outside of the Four Hospital Walls
Healthcare leaders are shifting their capital strategies. According to “Reevaluating capital spending strategies”, from Healthcare…
Integration: Early in the game of healthcare reform
Clinical integration is a hot topic for any healthcare system, regardless of profit status in…
“Skate to Where the Puck Will Be” to Improve Healthcare System Integration
We discussed the strategic role that the supply chain plays in system integration, and the…
Integration is critically important, yet many healthcare organizations aren’t prepared
The survey polled 138 senior leaders across the healthcare spectrum, including hospitals, health systems, physician…
CFOs and the Supply Chain: A winning strategy
The report notes that while both chief risk officers (CROs) and chief financial officers (CFOs)…
ROI: Look Beyond Financial to the Intangible Benefits
A report from that roundtable specifically discussed the implementation and costs associated with Electronic Health…
Practicing Sustainability, Not Just Preaching It
I’m very pleased to announce that MedSpeed has joined Practice Green Health, an organization that…
Prepared to Care
This year’s theme for National Hospital Week is “Prepared to Care.” The 60-second video that…
Fear Stymies Innovation…BUT it shouldn’t
Last week in Becker’s Hospital Review I read a post discussing healthcare’s fear of failure…
What the Future Holds for Healthcare
Since the actual legislation is 900+ pages, I don’t know too many people who have…
Sustainability Can Really Pay Off
According to a recent study from the Commonwealth Fund, sustainability initiatives could save the healthcare…
Connecting the Dots – Integrating Health Systems Post-Acquisition/Merger
This surge in consolidation is partially driven by provider responses to both the challenges and…
Year in Review and Look Ahead
The impact is felt widely throughout the industry and by all healthcare executives. I recently…
Healthcare transportation in 2015 and beyond: What does the future hold?
Everyone acknowledged that doing things the way they’ve always been done is not a recipe…
If it’s not your core competency: Outsource it
In our session, participants reiterated what we have heard in previous discussions: healthcare is their…
The big unknown about healthcare transportation: Hidden costs
After discussing how rapidly U.S. health systems are changing and the demand of managing the…
Winds of change: As health systems expand, so must transportation operations
One of the hottest topics the group discussed is how rapidly U.S. health systems are…
What Do Healthcare Supply Chain Managers Think? Part II – Introduction to our second roundtable discussion
With the rapid changes we are experiencing in healthcare, we decided to conduct a follow…
Transportation Steps into the National Healthcare Spotlight
First on the list: “transportation.” We know from our discussions with healthcare supply chain managers…
A Change in the Wind
To me, this change in how we do business means that some of the truths…